Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Poor Old US$

Has anyone seen what's been happening to the value of our beloved US$? If we only look within our borders you probably won't notice. In terms of international trade, the US$ has lost almost 10% of its value compared to the Euro and British Pound. It has also lost against almost all other major currencies.

What's happening to our US$? The answer is that our Federal Reserve is printing excessive amounts of money and introducing into the money supply. This causes monetary expansion (inflation) and we have no measure of the amount since the Fed has removed the M-3 monetary indicator in March 2006.

The other major factor is that we have a huge annual foreign trade deficit of more than $700 billion and Federal spending deficits of more than $1 trillion this last year... that's $1,000,000,000,000.

Why isn't anyone screaming about what is happening? The health of our U.S. economy is almost bankrupt. What will happen when China, Japan and Korea stop investing all of the dollars we send them for products in U.S. Federal Notes & T-Bills (these are loans from those countries)? It's like a consumer that has overextended themselves on credit terms... you can't get any more loans or increased credit.

Hey girlie-men... wake up... our economy is freakin' doomed!!!

It's Just a Ham Sandwich

It was reported by Fox News Channel today that some middle school children are being punished for placing a "ham sandwich" on the cafeteria table of some Muslim children. Is it a just a ham sandwich or a hate crime? Well, the Girlie-Man principal with his politically correct ways is deeming this action more of a hate crime than a joke or prank. Hey Mr. Principal, what are you afraid of?

Welcome to Girlie-Man Nation!

Although it was started by Arnold, it won't end there. Our national fabric is interwoven with threads of the weak, politically correct... Girlie Man!